Friday, September 4, 2009

Top 3 Essential Garden Tools

Over the past year I have spoken to many people who want to start gardening and begin to live a sustainable life. Im not sure how sustainable I am on the sustainable meter but I know I am headed in the right direction. But back to the top three tools that I feel are the most essential for my urban garden and they are as follows:

1:Wheel Barrel

2:Garden Hoe

3:Spade Shovel

I can honestly say that 99% of the work I do in my garden includes one if not all of these items. They have proved to be absolutely essential in transforming my garden plot into a productive edible garden. I guess the list may vary depending on what your needs are; because some people may have no use for a wheel barrel. I never thought I needed a wheel barrel until I wanted to fill my raised beds with compost from my pile. After carrying several shovel fulls of compost and losing half because of tripping to dragging filled garbage cans with compost, breaking the handles and straining my back from picking them up, I figured I would be a smart caveman instead of a strong one and invest in a wheel barrel. Over the next several weeks we are going to nurture our garden for this upcoming season, we hope we will be as successful as the first.

1 comment:

Sue said...

I'm using one of those mesh sided wagons a lot these days in addition to the wheelbarrow. I use it to haul plants and supplies from place to has a nice flat surface and straight sides to hold them upright. I didn't think I'd use it much, but it gets almost daily use now. I even use it for hauling laundry out to the line.