This is such a feel good story for me. I planted the Muscadine vines 4 years ago and this morning I was so ecstatic to see that they are finally producing Grape Clusters. Muscadine Grapes Aka Swamp Grape are very prevalent in the South. Often times while hunting Its a great treat to find a producing vine and works magic in using them to ambush pigs when they are ripe. As a youngster all my dad ever talked about was the Muscadine Grape and when I finally had a chance to taste one I was pleasantly surprised.

The Grape is so sweet when ripe. It is unique in that it has a hard shell unlike most grapes with soft shells. The Hard shell definitely works into making sure the grape is protected from the intense heat and humidity that is so indigenous to the South. And while other Grapes suffer.. This Grape thrives. The hard shell also works really well in its defense against bugs. But bugs and heat are not what I am worried about. I have a feeling my dog is going to do more than damage than any bug will.

I look forward to seeing the development of my grapes. This is truly an exciting time and the timing is unbelievable. So with fingers crossed I hope to be making jam and definitely try my hand at some amazing wine later on this year. All in all this growing season seems to be starting off very well with the very short winter we received. Urban Farming couldn't get any better. Happy Gardening!!