Saturday, July 25, 2009

Growing Melons In Hay Bales

Our Hay bale gardening experiment has been an absolute success. The reports that I have been getting is that the cantaloupes and watermelons that I have planted in the hay bales are doing so well they are taking over the garden. Needless to say my wife is a little bit Td' off at me for the moment because, according to her she feels like she is going to be eaten by the plants every time she goes in to the garden. Nevertheless, with a little bit of research and planning for our Hay bales they are producing melons at an alarming rate. Next year I will take the Hay bales out of the immediate garden and grow them through out our yard on the perimeter so they have room to grow. Some things to keep in mind will be placement and a sunny area that I can also dress up to make a focal point by planting other flowers around the bales themselves. This weekend my wife will tie supports around the melons that are being grown above ground to take the tension off the vines. All in all it's still a work in progress and I can't wait to get back to the garden and get my hands dirty. Until then we will Post some more updates in the coming weeks.


Kenneth Moore said...

Aha! I am glad to hear the update about the haybales--I have a squash vine growing in a container in front of a frozen yogurt place, and it's going crazy, too!

Hope all's well with you, ATW

Sue said...

How funny-I left you a comment on my blog about the hay bales, and then I check to see if you've updated, and its about the bales!! So glad this worked out for I just have to locate a source for bales in the spring and try it myself!
Hope you get back into the garden soon...I don't know how you can stand to leave it!

The Beneficial Bee said...

Glad to read another post from you ATW! I'm glad the hay bales are working so well. Jess

ATW said...

Kenneth, sue, BB;

Its great to hear from you guys. Im following when I can the close development of everyone and there adventures this year. Its my get away to get away (if that makes sense)I look forward to sharing more soon.