Depending on where your from the idea of Smoking foods take on several different meanings. I for one have only thought about meat and maybe poultry never fish. But smoking Fish is a common practice that has been around for a long time. The fish pictured are White Bass.. Many of the Locals have said they are garbage fish. Well I don't believe in the term garbage anything. There are some fish that are not edible and I have had my fair share of them. But most Fish are edible. I decided to save my catch on a recent trip and smoke them slow for several hours and recouped them the next day. The result was the magnificent bronze colored, smoked flavor fish I have ever seen or eaten. We were able to recoup most of the flesh by just peeling the skin and bone away and we took the fish and made a wonderful White Bass Smoked Dip spritz with a freshly squeezed lemon wedge and served with tortillas. It was magnificent! Recipe will be posted soon ......
I just found your blog. I have enjoyed reading it. My hubby loves fishing and catches lots of white bass/ sand bass. Did you ever post the recipe you use for the smoked fish dip. We have talked about smoking the fish but haven't tried yet. Would love to see your recipe if you don't mind sharing.
That sounds delicious! I love smoked meats and outdoor cooking!
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