Saturday, February 4, 2012

Buy Vegetable Seeds Online Urban Self-Sufficientist Warehouse

The Urban Self-Sufficientist site has made it easier for readers to now purchase vegetable seeds on-line through it's Online Warehouse Powered by Amazon.

I have noticed that over the years many people are really excited about starting their first garden, developing their Homestead, cooking their first meal grown from the garden. They wonder about what type of clothes hold up on the Urban Homestead, What books to read? How do I start hunting? What Gadgets would I need?

As an Urban Homesteader and a Consumer of Products I think it's important to share products and ideas with people who have your same interest. The Online Warehouse makes it easy to stream line your interest into a few catergories that marry each other well.

Many of these products I have used and have seen them used by other outfits. Some products don't quite cut the mustard but they still serve as a guideline for ideas to develop.

As trends grow and new ones develop the Online Warehouse will Constantly update. Some Products will never go away. Because these are products that I firmly believe in and have been tested time and time again. I hope you continue to enjoy your Experience on the Blog and please feel free to provide new ideas and products that you stand behind and I can share these with the community.


albina N muro said...

Save Seeds, self-sufficiency, Sufficientist store ... But even at the high prices you note, seeds are much, much cheaper than buying seedlings. December 29 ... USSufficientist Online Store. survival warehouse

Aryan Smith said...

It easy to stream line your interest into a few catergories that marry each other well.
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