I am so late on this post... nevertheless, I really want to plug
Killino Farms in Hawaii. I use to work with Todd and he is just a great guy to say the least. Free Spirited and an adventurist who has a lot of passion in what he believes in.. Unbeknown to me.. Todd and his wife decided that they would pick up and head to Hawaii; purchase a Kona Coffee plantation-bed and breakfast and live the good life "Aloha" !! I find this simply amazing and thier coffee that they grow on the farm is Soooooo Soooo Delicious!! The first thing we noticed from stirring up a hot brew of Killinos Coffee was that it was soooooo smooth and there was no after taste. If coffee ever needed comforted it will drink Killinos Kona. Im plugging Todds Kona Farm because everything I believe in about sustainability he has done. It takes great Risk to create your own blazing trail and to his Adventure I tip my hot cup of brew to him. Todd and his wife take orders through their website for customized roasts of fresh Kona. If ever you were thinking about the Perfect Gift for a Coffee Lover I urge you to give the Killinos a try.

Organic and eco-living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resource and their own resources. Altering your methods of transportation, energy consumption and diet are ways to reduce your carbon footprint.
Amy.... The problem that I have with trying to reduce your carbon foot print is the inbalance of cash that it cost for anyone to live that way effectively. The people that do live that way, do so under the cloak of having an endless supply of money. The fight for saving the earths natural resources should start and end with making it cheaper and introducing techniques and methods for sustainability so that everyone benefits. Until that happens only the eco-living-carbon footprint-reducing crowd can find comfort in this domain
Great blog I enjooyed reading
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