Saturday, April 18, 2009

1500 Commit Suicide due to Crop Failure/ India

Please forgive me, I just have to rant for a minute or two. Yesterday I came across the caption of 1500 people in India committing Suicide because they were in so much depth and the crops they were relying on to give them income, take care of their families and pay down their depths were destroyed because of draught. I know many people who read this may not fully understand the magnitude of this situation, because lets face it, most of us don't have to worry about survival. There are the few who truly are relying on their farms to keep their families and business afloat and they can really understand how detrimental loosing everything means. I had a glimpse of what it was like to loose more than half of what I am growing and honestly it is down right depressing. I know I do not have any affiliation with the people who are thousands of miles away who are living a self-sufficient life because they have to. My heart goes out to the families that they left behind. As an American it forces me to be so thankful for everything I have and situations like this really puts things in perspective, because here I am experimenting with success and failure everyday while there are literally thousands if not millions of people who can not afford to fail.


Sue said...

The saddest part of all this is that this will become more common as the populations continue to climb and global warming becomes worse. Our future does not look too bright at times.

Robin said...

Yes, I'm afraid we'll be seeing more of this sort of thing in the times to come. It's sad and scary and may be hitting closer to home sooner than we think...