My wife often refers to me as a cool nerd. I decided to geek out my garden plans this year by doing extensive research on what I should plant when and for how long. It serves as a guide for me to look at the month and it will tell me what I should plant in that month. This guide I made up is for zone 8 and in my absence my wife will know what seeds to start sowing in the sunroom before she can place them in the garden. I really

like the versality of zone 8 because alot of the vegetables we grow in the spring can be grown at the end of summer into the fall. It really doesn't get cold around here until the middle of Dec and even then there were 70 degree days this past Jan. This zone 8 seasonal garden plan is pretty much dummy proof. The blue represents the winter, the green represents the spring, the red respresents summer and the orange represents the fall months. Every vegetable/fruit has a specific month they should be planted in zone 8 and they should not be planted in any month that is not specified for the particular vegetable/fruit. I hope this can be helpul for those who live and want to garden in zone 8.
Hello fellow geek! LOL. I do very much the same here. The new USDA map has moved me from 7B to 8 in zones but that means few changes for me really. Like you, I do a fall planting of my spring veggies.
Honestly, things like cauliflower, cabbage, brocolli, etc, do better in the fall because they don't have the same pest problems. You gonna do that this year too?
Christy- Most definately!! But its all dependant on my work schedule. My job will dictate what I can do. So I mainly set up the garden this year for and plans so my wife can take a quick peak and start the seeds in doors before setting them out. She has started most if not all of the seeds this season and has transplanted many of them so it's working. Now all she has to do is look at the month and plan accordingly, if everything goes right We should be producing all year.
I just found your site. I too am in zone 8 and would love to be able to see your plan. Is there some way to get a copy of it?
you should totally make the .xls available. :) Or a pdf maybe? This could come in really handy for a beginner like myself.
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